The Covid-19 Pandemic Isn’t All Bad; A Surprising & Delightful Benefit
/While the Covid-19 pandemic has been devastating, I’m happy to report that over 3,000,000 lives and counting have not been lost in vain.
As inferred in the below New York Times article, the death knell has sounded for skinny jeans!
The skinny-jeans-on-dudes fashion trend has resulted in over a decade of irritation, anger, and straight up trauma. Some might argue that it’s done more damage than the Covid-19 pandemic itself has.
And they’d be right.
But thanks to the pandemic and the weight people that have put on by pigging out and staying indoors for over a year, people are now choosing baggy jeans to hide their chubby legs. Thank God! No more having to look at these guys/douches:
Hi. I’m a douche in skinny jeans. Like my nutsack?
Hi. I’m a douche in skinny jeans. Like my ass?
So while the Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the world, the havoc-wreaking days of skinny-jeans-on-dudes is just about over.
For inquiring minds, here’s a link to that NY Times article announcing the Good News.