Highly Rated Crap Movies #1 - Crazy Rich Asians
/I can’t believe Crazy Rich Asians is bathing in as much praise as it is. Hackneyed is too kind a word for this dried-up snoozefest pandering to Asians and holier-than-thou non-Asians.
If you liked this movie you have no business watching movies. Someday, you’ll learn to look beyond race and be embarrassed at the crap you liked when you were trying so hard to be a so-called good human being.
This movie is almost all cringe that is saved by a good-looking, acting-chops-having Constance Wu.
Everyone is else crap.
What makes that so sad is that there are some hilarious comedians in there displayed at their most un-funny.
But I guess I have to give the producers credit for making hilarious people banal.
To avoid any doubt, Jeong was mostly pretty funny on Community.
p.s. I still cried at the end cause after all, I’m a pussy not a film cricket.
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