Lord Vishnu's Love Handles by Will Clarke - P

Lord Vishnu's Love Handles by Will Clarke - P

I made a horrible mistake by reading this book. I was under the impression that it was a comedy, but I don’t think it actually is. I didn’t laugh once. Hell, I didn’t even smile.

At present, there is no book description of it on Goodreads, just the words “AUCTION DESCRIPTION”, whatever the fuck that means, so I must have been suckered in by the title. They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover and that sure as shit includes the title. Just because the title’s good doesn’t mean the story is.

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Heartburn by Nora Ephron - PPPP

Heartburn by Nora Ephron - PPPP

Rachel Samstat is 38 years old and seven months pregnant with her second child. She narrates Heartburn, beginning with the moment that she learns of her husband’s infidelity to the moment six weeks later when she decides whether she’ll continue with the marriage or flush it down the crapper.

Because she describes a series of episodes without any real direction, there’s not really a plot. While I don’t wanna be a stickler, it’s kind of important for books to have plots. To have a driving force. It’s what sucks us in. It’s a huge part of what makes a

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Tricky Business by Dave Barry - PPPP

Tricky Business by Dave Barry - PPPP

As a hurricane approaches the Florida coast, a casino ship known as the Extravaganza of the Seas heads out to international waters for a turbulent night of drug trafficking, betrayal, and murder.

Among many on board are Wally, a 29-year-old cover band guitarist who lives with his mother after being cheated on by his fiancée; Fay, a cocktail waitress whose mother has to help take care of her 2-year-old daughter because her ex-husband is a deadbeat dad; and Manny Arquero, a muscular enforcer for the mob boss pulling all

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Space Team #1 by Barry J. Hutchison - PPP

Space Team #1 by Barry J. Hutchison - PPP

If you’re looking for a hilarious sci-fi adventure, then you’re unfortunately barking up the wrong tree. But if a poor man’s Guardians of the Galaxy is what you crave, then Space Team #1 by Barry J. Hutchison has got you covered.

After being sentenced to two years in prison for identity theft, career criminal Cal Carver’s bad day only gets worse as he finds himself sharing a jail cell with the most prolific serial killer cannibal in the history of planet Earth. But that’s just the beginning as Earth is invaded by aliens and Cal is abducted while the rest of the human race is

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The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho - PP

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho - PP

Note: This is not a comedy but it’s so ubiquitous that I had to review it.

The Alchemist can be summed up using Coelho’s own words when he has one of his characters sum up a certain book that the protagonist is reading when they meet.

“‘It’s a book that says the same thing almost all the other books in the world say,’ continued the old man. ‘It describes people’s inability to choose their own Personal Legends.’” By this he means people’s inability to follow their hearts and dreams.

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The Future of the Mind by Michio Kaku - PPPP

The Future of the Mind by Michio Kaku - PPPP

Note: This is not a comedy but I hope you will enjoy the review.

The Future of the Mind is like a rare textbook that is so interesting, informative, and thought-provoking that you’d read it even if you weren’t taking the class.*

Beginning with a brief introduction to the human brain – “the most complex object in the solar system” –  it moves on to cover an array of intriguing cognitive-related territory from the state of neuroscience today to the possibilities of tomorrow.

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